Photographs by Paul G Ryan
The first time was a day skiing at Sun Valley - 1967 – I was photographing the RFK family for SKI magazine. There were children, there were always lots of children.
Ethel was a smooth skier – even in the unbroken and rough snow. She had confidence and unafraid to try the difficulties. And she was enjoying it.
The next year I was photographing a summer ski racing camp at Mt Hood where, by chance, several of Ethel’s children were a part.
Years later, many years later, we crossed paths when my son and her grandchildren were beginning a preschool together here in Santa Monica.
Our families became friends as parents of children do. We had similar interests in adventures.
On occasional visits to Hyannis Port, Ethel always remembered me, by name, though it had been years since Sun Valley skiing.
There on Cape Cod there were always giant tribes of young children, some family, some friends, some neighbors, and when the activities slowed, as they rarely did, Ethel loved driving them all around on her golf cart. And she did so for many years after.
Ethel’s enthusiasm was infectious .
But she ran a tight ship at her house - you were not to be late for meals, and wild as the children were, they were held fast to this.
As the years passed, I saw less of her, but I did on occasion when she would come to California to visit those of her family who lived there near me..
The talk was always lively and interesting, and the grandchildren’s ideas were given time and listened to.
And still, after all that time and distance, she still always greeted me by name. “..well Hello Paul..” She remembered everything and everybody.
I grew up in Boston coming of age in the JFK era and remember standing at a distance in a crowd at Faneuil Hall as he gave his election eve speech.
Now I think back on the times I was around Ethel Kennedy. When I was speaking with her, I felt all her attention, though her world was far more complex than mine, for those moments she was totally present for me. Not many have that grace and generosity.
So long Ethel.
Thank you Paul for your wonderful memories .. She’s will be remembered forever and in the eyes of the hearts of many others . She was a lady who loved to give back and protect and help others in times of need ..
a well-needed inspiration